Coffee, Tea, and Jesus
Coffee, Tea, and Jesus
Coffee, Tea, and Jesus is a bi-monthly virtual Bible study fellowship for women who love to meditate on and discuss the Word of God. We “meet” on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month from 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. CST. Study guides that include challenge questions are provided prior to each session to allow time for personal study and reflection prior to group discussion. Prior study guides are available for download.
Sign up to participate in the Coffee, Tea, and Jesus Bible Study
Join us for our virtual bible study every
2nd and 4th Saturday from 8-9:30 am CST
“For so long I have needed a group of women to gather with to be spiritually challenged and encouraged. The Lord answered that prayer when he connected me with Ministry in the Middle! Every time we gather I leave encouraged and challenged to remain faithful in my walk with God. The women are so welcoming, honest, and spiritually mature! It is a gift to do life with them! ”
Elizabeth W.
“For such a time as this…..Ministry in the Middle has help me to see a new outlook on life through engaging discussions, on the spiritual, emotional, physical responses to life’s challenges through Scripture. With everything that is happening in the world today, I have gained a calm perspective in my responses to the chaos through these Bible Studies. It has been involved, intense, yet refreshing, and invigorating, encouraging and challenging to go deeper into the Scripture for clarity and understanding. I thoroughly enjoy our time that is very well spent on a Saturday morning.”
Brenda W.
“This Bible Study has been a life saver for me. Because of the virus and my pre-existing condition I have not been able to get out. I look forward to receiving the notes for the study so that I can dive into the Word of God. The Bible Study is very organized and everyone on the Zoom call is able to express their views. I’m so grateful for Ministry in the Middle and encourage others to join us as we study God’s Word and enjoy the fellowship together.”
Elouise D.
“This morning ministry has been a blessing for me. A great way to start my day with women I know put God first plus have my best interest a heart.”
Robbie M.
“Coffee, Tea and Jesus has been a blessing to me as it allows me to get out of my comfort zone at 8am on Saturday morning and spend time in fellowship with like-minded ladies who love Jesus. It is an encouragement to me as I can log in and be supported as we focus on God and pull away from life’s stuff. It is a good life accountability as we go through life together.”
Dena C.

“…contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.” – Romans 12:13
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