2nd and 4th Saturdays - Coffee, Tea, and Jesus
Coffee, Tea, and Jesus is a bi-monthly virtual Bible study fellowship for women who love to meditate on and discuss the Word of God. We “meet” on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month from 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. CST. Study guides that include challenge questions are provided prior to each session to allow time for personal study and reflection prior to group discussion. Prior study guides are available for download.
Join us for our virtual bible study every
2nd and 4th Saturday from 8-9:30 am CST
September 19th - North Texas Giving Day
The event will take place online September 19th, but early giving starts September 1st. Each contribution will be augmented with bonus funds from the Communities Foundation of Texas. Please consider making a gift in any amount to help us secure a property for our housing program! To find out more about our impact, please visit the Ministry in the Middle profile below on the North Texas Giving Day site.
September 28th - Exodus Ministries Adopt an Apartment Outreach
Ministry In The Middle will bless a single-mother household through the Exodus Ministries “Adopt an Apartment” outreach. This effort fully furnishes apartments for single mothers and their children and allows them to have items to take with them to their new homes once they have completed the 12-month discipleship program!
To purchase needed items, please click on the Amazon Wish List button below. Alternatively, you may make donations for purchase of items, OR you can ship GENTLY USED OR NEW items on the list from other vendors directly to Ministry In The Middle. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. NOTE: All donations must to be received by Wednesday September 25th.
October 5th - Walk. Pray. Sow. Annual Prayer Walk
“…contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.” – Romans 12:13
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