Temporary Housing Referrals – We partner with neighboring agencies and client advocates to assist women faced with eviction and other economic difficulties. Once needs are assessed, we help them to find the best available temporary housing solutions for their individual situations.
Evangelism and Discipleship Counseling – As women connect with MITM, we observe the potential need for evangelism or discipleship. This helps us determine if there are opportunities to discuss salvation and the basics of Christianity first or if we can immediately disciple and provide wise counsel based upon application of the Word.
Discipleship Training – As women grow within their discipleship counseling process, they also grow in their understanding of the need to disciple other women. They are then encouraged to move to training mode, which teaches them how to effectively share the gospel with other women. This allows them to serve as peer to peer “counselors” throughout the remainder of their programs as well as disciplers within their church communities, at work, etc.
Internship and Service Project Program – Undergraduate and graduate level students can grow with hands on training as they observe program participants and activities. We set internship goals based on the individual needs of the students or the requirements from their universities and seminaries. These help students meet their academic goals while growing in the spiritual discipline of service. Likewise, high school seniors can gain service hours by assisting with specific activities and programs.
Educational and Career Initiative (coming soon!) – Regardless of academic or career levels, we will give women the opportunity to grow in the areas of business etiquette, resume writing, customer service and basic computer skills. We will also provide opportunities for tutoring and literacy development to further prepare women to enter the workforce.
Financial Guidance (coming soon!) – With the help of strategic planning tools such as Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University and the Navigating Your Money God’s Way curriculum, we help women learn to develop and use budgets and savings plans that will not only help them pay debts (if needed), but will also help them live within their means so that they can stand on their feet financially.
“Ministry in the Middle has given me fresh insight into many different areas, many of which I assumed that I understood well. My mentoring and discipleship sessions have been both challenging and encouraging – they are always just what I need. I’ve learned ways to pray which is the supreme need of my day. I want to thank Samantha for helping me set goals and advising me on ways to achieve them.”
Virginia F.
Join us for our virtual bible study every
2nd and 4th Saturday from 8-9:30 am CST
A donation to Ministry in the Middle changes the lives of women in need. Please consider making a gift today.
Our volunteers provide help that directly impacts the lives of women. Become a volunteer today.
“…contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.” – Romans 12:13
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